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Sponsor an Orphan

The OWO Sponsorship Program aims to:

 -Securing appropriate academic atmosphere

 - Studying the needs of each child and their mental and intellectual capabilities after undergoing tests by the specialists, and placing them in the appropriate class for their educational and psychological level, such as the Department of the Learning Difficulties and the Department of the Academic Support.

 -Working to improve their behavior

 -Holding periodic family counseling sessions for parents, especially those who suffer from intractable problems. Also helping them to overcome the difficult circumstances that they suffer from.

 -Paying attention to their health aspects, especially concerning vaccinations for children

 -Insuring the availability of textbooks, stationery, school uniform, and sports uniform for every child, in addition to their daily nutritional meals.

Sponsor an Orphan

With your support to Kafalat program, the student will continue his education with a new spirit full of ideas, activities, changes and developments in order to maintain the level of services we provide to our children first, and secondly to maintain the trust you have given us, and finally to keep pace with the development that is happening around us.

1200 $ / year

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